
Country Snapshot

Our work in Sierra Leone builds on experiences and lessons from HealthGrid, a predecessor program led by HETA founding partner RESOLVE with World Vision, Orange, and other contributors. HETA’s work in 2023 focused on integrating learning from HealthGrid, co-creation activities to increase private sector engagement, and the development of sustainability strategies for O&M, especially in remote and rural health facilities. Sustained access to energy, digital connectivity, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services are a priority for this effort, which will support the health system to meet the challenges of endemic malaria, maternal mortality, and workforce shortages—all exacerbated by inadequate and unreliable access to electricity.
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USAID Mission Funding
We expect to receive initial funding of $1.35 million from USAID Sierra Leone, complementing $350,000 from HETA’s core funds.
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Facilities & People Reached
We are working with USAID and the Ministry of Health to select 50–60 health facilities to support in HETA’s second year.
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Local Partners & Leverage Resources
We expect to finalize partnerships with World Vision, Mobile Power, and other partners in 2024.

Partner Spotlight

Created in 1977, RESOLVE is an independent, non-partisan NGO and a HETA founding partner. In 2021, RESOLVE launched HealthGrid Sierra Leone, a predecessor USAID Global Development Alliance formed in partnership with Orange Sierra Leone, World Vision, Dalan Development Consultants, Gavi – the Vaccine Alliance, and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to provide solar power, internet, and, in some cases, WASH systems to off-grid health facilities while ensuring long-term maintenance of the systems.
Twenty-six health facilities in Sierra Leone have benefited from HealthGrid’s operations. This success helped catalyze HETA’s work. RESOLVE also supports HETA’s work across sub-Saharan Africa in two important ways:
  • By designing and testing strategies for long-term O&M support

  • By facilitating visioning and strategy development exercises to help achieve HETA’s longer-term vision of becoming an independent organization

Orange Group is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators, present in 26 countries, including 18 in the Middle East and Africa.  
Orange is a founding HETA partner and a co-creator of the HealthGrid methodology under a separate program funded by USAID Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone, they support a holistic package of healthcare infrastructure that includes reliable solar PV solutions, mobile connectivity, and WASH systems. Orange also contributes to stakeholder engagement, needs assessment, and technical reviews for energy, digital connectivity, and water pumps at supported facilities, in coordination with other HETA partners in Sierra Leone and potentially in other countries where Orange affiliates are present.

This report and the experiences it documents were made possible through the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was produced by Abt Global for the Power Africa Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (USAID Cooperative Agreement 72067422CA00003).

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